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Last updated: 2022-06-23 09:41:33
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Deploy Memcached on KubeSphere

Memcached is an in-memory key-value store for small chunks of arbitrary data (strings, objects) from results of database calls, API calls, or page rendering. Its API is available for the majority of popular languages.

This tutorial walks you through an example of deploying Memcached from the App Store of KubeSphere.


  • Please make sure you enable the OpenPitrix system.
  • You need to create a workspace, a project, and a user account (project-regular) for this tutorial. The account needs to be a platform regular user and to be invited as the project operator with the operator role. In this tutorial, you log in as project-regular and work in the project demo-project in the workspace demo-workspace. For more information, see Create Workspaces, Projects, Users and Roles.

Hands-on Lab

Step 1: Deploy Memcached from the App Store

  1. On the Overview page of the project demo-project, click App Store in the upper-left corner.

  2. Find Memcached and click Install on the App Information page.

  3. Set a name and select an app version. Make sure Memcached is deployed in demo-project and click Next.

  4. In App Settings, you can use the default configuration or customize the configuration by editing the YAML file directly. Click Install to continue.

  5. Wait until Memcached is up and running.

Step 2: Access Memcached

  1. Navigate to Services, and click the service name of Memcached.

  2. On the detail page, you can find the port number and Pod's IP address under Ports and Pods respectively.

  3. As the Memcached service is headless, access it inside the cluster through the Pod IP and port number. The basic syntax of Memcached telnet command is telnet HOST PORT. For example:

    # telnet 11211 Trying Connected to Escape character is '^]'. set runoob 0 900 9 memcached STORED
  4. For more information, see Memcached.

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