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Last updated: 2022-06-23 09:41:33
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KubeSphere currently supports two kinds of charts: text charts and graphs.

Text Chart

A text chart is preferable for displaying a single metric value. The editing window for the text chart is composed of two parts. The upper part displays the real-time metric value, and the lower part is for editing. You can enter a PromQL expression to fetch a single metric value.

  • Chart Name: The name of the text chart.
  • Unit: The metric data unit.
  • Decimal Places: Accept an integer.
  • Monitoring Metric: Specify a monitoring metric from the drop-down list of available Prometheus metrics.

Graph Chart

A graph chart is preferable for displaying multiple metric values. The editing window for the graph is composed of three parts. The upper part displays real-time metric values. The left part is for setting the graph theme. The right part is for editing metrics and chart descriptions.

  • Chart Types: Support basic charts and bar charts.
  • Graph Types: Support basic charts and stacked charts.
  • Chart Colors: Change line colors.
  • Chart Name: The name of the chart.
  • Description: The chart description.
  • Add: Add a new query editor.
  • Metric Name: Legend for the line. It supports variables. For example, {{pod}} means using the value of the Prometheus metric label pod to name this line.
  • Interval: The step value between two data points.
  • Monitoring Metric: A list of available Prometheus metrics.
  • Unit: The metric data unit.
  • Decimal Places: Accept an integer.

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