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Deploy MeterSphere on KubeSphere

MeterSphere is an open-source, one-stop, and enterprise-level continuous testing platform. It features test tracking, interface testing, and performance testing.

This tutorial demonstrates how to deploy MeterSphere on KubeSphere.


  • You need to enable the OpenPitrix system.
  • You need to create a workspace, a project, and two user accounts (ws-admin and project-regular) for this tutorial. The account ws-admin must be granted the role of workspace-admin in the workspace, and the account project-regular must be invited to the project with the role of operator. If they are not ready, refer to Create Workspaces, Projects, Users and Roles.

Hands-on Lab

Step 1: Add an app repository

  1. Log in to KubeSphere as ws-admin. In your workspace, go to App Repositories under App Management, and then click Add.

  2. In the dialog that appears, enter metersphere for the app repository name and https://charts.kubesphere.io/test for the MeterSphere repository URL. Click Validate to verify the URL and you will see a green check mark next to the URL if it is available. Click OK to continue.

  3. Your repository displays in the list after it is successfully imported to KubeSphere.

Step 2: Deploy MeterSphere

  1. Log out of KubeSphere and log back in as project-regular. In your project, go to Apps under Application Workloads and click Create.

  2. In the dialog that appears, select From App Template.

  3. Select metersphere from the drop-down list, then click metersphere-chart.

  4. On the App Information tab and the Chart Files tab, you can view the default configuration from the console. Click Install to continue.

  5. On the Basic Information page, you can view the app name, app version, and deployment location. Click Next to continue.

  6. On the App Settings page, change the value of imageTag from master to v1.6, and then click Install.

  7. Wait for MeterSphere to be up and running.

  8. Go to Workloads, and you can see two Deployments and three StatefulSets created for MeterSphere.


    It may take a while before all the Deployments and StatefulSets are up and running.

Step 3: Access MeterSphere

  1. Go to Services under Application Workloads, and you can see the MeterSphere Service and its type is set to NodePort by default.

  2. You can access MeterSphere through <NodeIP>:<NodePort> using the default account and password (admin/metersphere).



    You may need to open the port in your security groups and configure related port forwarding rules depending on where your Kubernetes cluster is deployed. Make sure you use your own NodeIP.

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