Release Notes for 3.1.1
User Experience
- Add the function of deleting related resources in batches during workload deletion. kubesphere/console#1933
- Optimize dialog boxes. kubesphere/console#2016
- Add the container terminal function to projects in the
workspace. kubesphere/console#1921
Bug Fixes
- Remove the function of editing external network access of headless Services on the Service management page. kubesphere/console#2055
- Fix the incorrect environment variable placeholders displayed in workload creation. kubesphere/console#2008
- Fix an issue where the login page is not displayed when users log out from certain pages. kubesphere/console#2009
- Fix an issue on the Pod template editing page, where the protocol drop-down list is not completely displayed. kubesphere/console#1944
- Fix a probe format verification issue in workload creation. kubesphere/console#1941
- Fix the incorrect DevOps project list displayed on the workspace member details page. #1936
- Fix incorrect and missing UI text. kubesphere/console#1879 kubesphere/console#1880 kubesphere/console#1895
- Optimize port format restrictions in notification settings. #1885
- Add the function of specifying an existing Prometheus stack during installation. #1528
Bug Fixes
- Fix the mail server synchronization error. #1969
- Fix an issue where the notification manager is reset after installer restart. #1564
- Fix an issue where the alerting policy cannot be deleted after the monitored object is deleted. #2045
- Add a default template for monitoring resource creation. #2029
- Fix an issue where containers display only outdated logs. #1972
- Fix the incorrect timestamp in alerting information. #1978
- Optimize parameter rules in alerting policy creation. #1958
- Fix an issue in custom monitoring, where metrics are not completely displayed due to the incorrect height of the view area. #1989
- Adjust the limits of the node exporter and kube-state-metrics. #1537
- Adjust the selector of the etcdHighNumberOfFailedGRPCRequests rule to prevent incorrect etcd alerts. #1540
- Fix an issue during system upgrade, where the events ruler component is not upgraded to the latest version. #1594
- Fix bugs of the kube_node_status_allocatable_memory_bytes and kube_resourcequota selectors. #1560
Service Mesh
- Add a time range selector to the Tracing tab. #2022
Bug Fixes
- Fix an issue where the Tracing tab is incorrectly displayed. kubesphere/console#1890
- Add the function of filtering branches by branch name in GitLab multi-branch pipelines. kubesphere/console#2077
- Rename the Rerun button on the b2i page to Run. kubesphere/console#1981
Bug Fixes
- Fix an issue where credential status cannot be synchronized. kubesphere/console#1956
- Fix incorrect image tags in CI automatic image pushing. kubesphere/console#2037
- Fix an issue on the pipeline details page, where users cannot return to the previous page. kubesphere/console#1996
- Fix the inconsistent dialog box names of the image builder. kubesphere/console#1922
- Fix an issue in DevOps projects, where the updates are reset when kubeconfig credentials are created. kubesphere/console#1990
- Fix incorrect trusted users in multi-branch pipelines. kubesphere/console#1987
- Fix an issue in DevOps project pipelines, where stage labels are reset when other settings are changed but not saved. kubesphere/console#1979
- Fix the incorrect shell and labels displayed in pipelines. kubesphere/console#1970
- Fix incorrect information displayed in the pipeline basic information dialog box. kubesphere/console#1955
- Fix the API error generated when multi-branch pipelines are run. kubesphere/console#1954
- Fix an issue in pipelines, where webhook pushing settings do not take effect. kubesphere/console#1953
- Optimize the UI text of the drag-and-drop function in the pipeline editor. kubesphere/console#1949
- Add default build environment settings for service build from source code. kubesphere/console#1993
Authentication and Authorization
Bug Fixes
- Fix the incorrect last login time of users. kubesphere/console#1881
- Fix an issue in workspaces, where the
user cannot view resource quotas. kubesphere/ks-installer#1551 kubesphere/console#2062 - Fix an issue where project members cannot connect to container terminals. kubesphere/console#2002
- Fix an issue where the administrator cannot be specified when a project is assigned to a workspace. kubesphere/console#1961
- Fix the duplicate permission names in workspace role creation. kubesphere/console#1945
Multi-tenant Management
Bug Fixes
- Fix an issue where deleted roles can be associated with user groups. #1899 #3897
- Fix an issue where deletion of long usernames can cause system collapse. kubesphere/ks-installer#1450 kubesphere/kubesphere#3796
- Fix an error generated when project roles are bound to user groups. kubesphere/console#1967
- Fix incorrect workspace quotas displayed in multi-cluster environments. kubesphere/console#2013
Multi-cluster Management
- Optimize the error message generated when the configuration of a member cluster is incorrect. kubesphere/console#2084 kubesphere/console#1965
Bug Fixes
- Fix an issue where node labels in member clusters cannot be obtained. kubesphere/console#1927
- Fix an issue on the project list page, where multi-cluster projects are not correctly identified. kubesphere/console#2059
- Fix the incorrect gateway status displayed in multi-cluster projects. kubesphere/console#1939
Metering and Billing
- Optimize the metering and billing UI. #1896
- Change the color of a button on the metering and billing page. #1934
Bug Fixes
- Fix an issue where OpenPitrix resources are not included in metering and billing. #3871
- Fix an error generated in metering and billing for the
workspace. #2083 - Fix an issue where projects are not completely displayed in the multi-cluster metering and billing list. #2066
- Fix an error on the billing page generated when a dependent cluster is not loaded. #2054
App Store
- Optimize the UI layout and text on the app template creation page. kubesphere/console#2012 kubesphere/console#2063
- Optimize the app template import function. kubesphere/openpitrix-jobs#18
- Add the RadonDB PostgreSQL app to the App Store. kubesphere/openpitrix-jobs#17
- Switch the branch of jwt-go to fix CVE-2020-26160. #3991
- Upgrade the Protobuf version to v1.3.2 to fix CVE-2021-3121. #3944
- Upgrade the Crypto version to the latest version to fix CVE-2020-29652. #3997
- Remove the
file to prevent incorrect CVE bug reports. #2024
Bug Fixes
- Fix an issue where container terminal can be accessed without authorization. kubesphere/kubesphere#3956
- Improve the concurrency performance of the S3 uploader. #4011
- Add preset CSI Provisioner CR settings. #1536
Bug Fixes
- Remove the invalid function of automatic storage class detection. #3947
- Fix incorrect storage resource units of project quotas.#3973
KubeEdge Integration
Bug Fixes
- Fix the incorrect
setting of the KubeEdge CloudCore component. #1561
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